Water Re-piping
Advanced Plumbing has been re-piping homes throughout Bakersfield for over 32 years. We take pride in the methods we use to complete a whole house water re-pipe. When re-piping your home, our first step on day one will be to walk through the home with you once again and lay out exactly what will be done that day. This process allows you to know where the pipe will be placed and if any holes will need to be made as well as where they will be made. Many times there are other options available when re-piping and we feel we are the best at making as few holes in your home as possible. All of our employees have been well trained in water re-piping techniques. We always complete a job with the highest standards and customer satisfaction. We would like to share a few of those standards with you:
- We have a specialty crew for water re-piping.
- All emergency shut-off valves are replaced.
- All supply lines from the shut-off to the faucet are replaced with braided stainless steel flex lines.
- All of your flooring & furniture will be protected with drop clothes/ runners.
- We guarantee that you will have the use of at least one sink and one toilet by the finish of the first day, and that you will have hot & cold water to your shower by the second day.
- Wall repair and painting is available.
We understand that price and quality is a very important concern for you. Therefore, our prices are very competitive and structured so that you will always receive the highest quality of material and workmanship.








About the Piping
Pex piping has been widely used for many years. The piping itself comes with a standard 25-year warranty. Additionally, Advanced Plumping Service extends that warranty for as long as you own the home. This guarantees that you will never have to worry about the piping in your home. The piping has no glued joints and will not break if the lines were ever to freeze. Pex piping is used about 90% of the time for re-piping an existing home. This helps reduce the number of holes needed during the process.
We use Aquapex
Aquapex systems use Wirsbo’s state of the art Engel Method cross-linked polyethylene tubing or PEX. Aquapex tubing is the durable, flexible, opaque water supply tubing that is the future of plumbing. Free of lead, copper and other contaminants, Aquapex tubing is completely safe for you family. The tubing also provides better insulation than metal plumbing materials, making it quiet and keeping hot water lines hot longer. With over a quarter century of quality service, Aquapex is a plumbing system you can trust.
A Proven Track Record
Aquapex tubing has been used in plumbing systems around the world for over 25 years, longer than any other flexible plumbing system on the market. In fact, more than 2 billion feet of Aquapex tubing is in use worldwide for radiant floor heating and plumbing applications in homes, apartments, hotels, condominiums and commercial buildings. That’s enough to circle the globe at the equator 16 times! Accelerated testing of Aquapex tubing shows that it has a system life of well over 100 years. While other flexible plumbing systems have come and gone, only Aquapex has provided continuous, assured performance for over 25 years.
A Safe Plumbing System For Your Family
Scientific studies show that lead, copper and other toxins can leach into our drinking water from plumbing systems. Aquapex tubing is completely clean and healthy. That means the pure drinking water running through your plumbing system stays pure. Aquapex tubing does not corrode or scale, even in areas that have aggressive water. Aquapex tubing is also unaffected by corrosive soil conditions, making it ideal for burial.